Quantum Therapy 5th dimension elevation
Frequency shifts help people wake up.
I can help you restore your frequency at all levels:
5D Human or Animal Elevation PROGRAM:
What is this ?
5D Elevation PROGRAM:
Complete program 1 month of daily care only remotely via photos placed on the detectors of Rayonex Biomedical quantum devices because the program cannot be interrupted.
Quantum harmonization and total reintegration as well as quantum sound therapy and frequency Chromo-Luminotherapy.
A complete assessment is recommended before each 5th dimension elevation program
I do with you at home the integral reading of your body at the subtle level by putting you with electrodes on your chest and on your stomach connected to Rayonex Biomedical Germany devices and we detect at all levels of the body what is disturbed. I also take stock in another, faster way, a scan of your body at all levels, whether hormonal, heart, brain... then I record everything on a usb key specially adapted for the devices and I established a program that corresponds perfectly to what your body requires to regain health and no more disturbed frequencies. The duration of the program can be up to 9 hours of treatment, sometimes less depending on what could be disturbing in your physical body. Then, for a month, I take care of you using the photos I will have taken when you come by putting them on the detectors and launching your program. When the month is over, I invite you to come and do a free check-up for a comparison of before and after the treatment. It is sometimes necessary to continue the treatment especially if your body is very disturbed but there, the treatment goes to 1000 euros instead of 1488 euros.
Full frequency assessment: 380 euros (usb key suitable for PS10 Polar 1000 4.0 included)
Duration: 8h30 / day. according to your disturbances at the level of your physical body
For 1 month treatment: Price:1488€
After 1 month of treatment, we redo a complete free assessment to see where you are and if it is necessary to continue the treatment which will then increase to 1000€ still for 1 month.
I always check with the pendulum where you are in the effectiveness of the treatment and we discuss it by phone or by message, whatsapp.
Payment in one or two instalments.
ATTENTION:the registration will only be valid after receipt of payment on the account:
BE57 0017 1745 6435
Please indicate as reference during the transfer:QUANTUM THERAPY 5D
VAT number 0563.392.925
Invoice only on request via the contact form.
Olivia de Dieudonne
Via the contact form.
Schumann resonance today according to the Russian observatory
Source: http://www.astronoo.com/fr/articles/theorie-quantique-des-champs.html